I believe Religion and Politics are subjects we should always talk about - openly, freely, passionately, and we should talk about them more often than we talk about sports, the weather, or The Voice.

I believe in treating people as people, not as groups based of physical characteristics.  Groups based on color, race, or ethnicity is only used by demagogues and it should be illegal for our government to gather this information.

I believe conservative is a misnomer for people with my political views. Freedom is a much better description of my views  I also believe liberal is a misnomer for liberal views.  Control freaks is a more appropriate description of their views.

I believe it is never acceptable to be condescending to people because of their race, color, or ethnicity.

I believe liberals are condescending toward incompetent  minorities because they are racists.  They believe race hustlers, crooks, and charlatins like Al Sharpton, Sheila Lee Jackson, Maxine Waters, and Hank Johnson are representative of all Americans of African decent.  They consider brilliant minorities like Condelessa Rice, Allen West, Thomas Sowell, and  Dr. Ben Carson are exceptions to be ignored and trivialized.

I don't believe in hyphenated Americans; like Irish American, Italian American, African American, or Asian American. We are AMERICANS!

I believe referring to people as black, white, spanish, and Chinese is okay - political correctness is out of control in America!

I believe boys and girls are different - and thats good - we don't need to pretend they aren't!

I believe there is NO income gap between men and women when all factors are taken into consideration.

I believe arbitrary statistical difference between arbitrary groups of people does not prove anyone has been discriminated against.

I believe in using the names mailman, fireman, and policeman - for both men and  woman.  The idea these names make women feel inferior is silly.

I believe Americans have identified problems that needed to be fixed in the past, like racism, sexism, pollution; but liberals don’t know when to stop.

I believe America was unique.  We were the only country where the government was created by the people and for the people.  Politicians were our hired temporary help.  Politicians work for us - we do not work for them!

I believe America is the only place on this Earth where freedom loving people have ANY CHANCE AT BEING FREE - but it is QUICKLY SLIPPING AWAY and it might already be gone.

I don't believe in qualifying everything i say with the exceptions to the statement I am making.  If I make a statement with some hyperbole, I expect people to use their common sense when deciphering my point. 

I believe people have the right to do and say stupid things without being ostracized.

I believe profiling is another word for using your experience and your common sense.

I believe ALL problems are solved better by individuals than the government.

I believe you get more of the things you subsidize.  Proof of this can be found in single mother households, unwed pregnancies, food stamps, welfare, disability, unemployment recipients, just to name a few.

I believe guns in the hands of law abiding citizens is great and should be encouraged.

I don't believe every thing that is bad should be illegal.

I believe bad things are bad and people should point out they are bad.  Abortion is very bad!  Partial birth abortion is barbaric and evil.   Drugs are bad and destroy families.

I believe liberals have become hi-tech book burners!  They are not content disagreeing with people - they want to burn the people that disagree with them! (Aunt Roe Barilla)

I believe the government should balance its budget!

I believe the Fed should stop printing money except to replace torn bills.

I believe Keynesian economics requires the intellect of a moron to accept and the evilness of a politician to implement.

I believe OJ, The Melendez Brothers, and Casey Anthony were guilty and only a knucklehead could believe otherwise.

I believe Lawrence Taylor is the greatest football player to ever live - and even with all his short comings he is still a good guy!

I believe the 1978 baseball season when the Yankees caught the Red Sox was the greatest sports season ever!

I believe God forgives and gives people a second chance.  I believe he has forgiven me and will forgive anyone who asks for forgiveness - but on Earth we suffer consequences for our actions and being sorry doesn't change that fact.

I believe good things happens to bad people and bad things happens to good people - I don't know why but it's on my list of things to ask God when I get to heaven.

I believe there will be a video clip center in heaven which will allow us to have all our questions answered.  We'll find out who killed JFK, is there a Big Foot, How many Licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop.  I’m not serious about this, but it would be awesome if this is true?

I believe God created the Earth.  I do not believe the stuff around  us just accidentally happened by some random event.  I don't believe this makes me anti-science. 

 I am 100% in support of trying to figure out how God makes things.

I believe FDR turned a recession into a Great Depression and Barack Obama turned a recession into a Great Recession.

I believe Show tunes from Les Mis, Annie, Chicago, and Grease are fun to listen to!

I believe the leaders of the Democrat Party like President Hope & Change, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, every person on MSNBC, and all other liberal leaders are EVIL!

I believe in using HYPERBOLE to make my points memorable.

I believe listening to a hardcore feminist is akin to listening to styrofoam being rubbed on a chalkboard - but I'd prefer listening to the latter.

I believe It's a Wonderful Life is the most inspirational movie ever!

I believe liberals, socialists, fascists, and communists are all variations of the same phenomenon - they are all totalitarian control freaks.

I believe The Incredibles is the best animated film ever and should have won the Best Picture of the year!

I believe the government gathering our e-mails, Google searches, Facebook posts, phone calls, license plates, and DNA proves we live in a police state.

I believe people have contradictory thoughts.

I believe the mainstream media and politicians in Washington DC purposely lie to the American people because they look on us as their hired hands (serfs).

I believe Socialism is when the money that people earn is not kept by the people who earned it but instead it is redistributed by the government.

I believe nobody knows how to properly use the word whom - me included.

I agree with my son that including silent letters in words is silly.

I do not believe that being against marriage for certain permutations of relationships means you hate people.

I believe unintended consequences naturally flow from liberal policies.

I believe liberals conjure up problems in their mind, implement so called "solutions" to the problem, make the problem worse, then they suggest more solutions which make the problem even worse, then they propose more solutions...well, you get the idea.

I believe the part of the 1st Amendment which says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" means just that.  It does not mean the opinions of Christians have no place in the public realm.

I believe liberals DO want to take away all guns from law abiding citizens!

I believe the government cannot create net new jobs (except in very unique situations).  For every government job they create - they destroy a private sector job!

I believe liberals are socialists and they use "whatever means necessary" to move America further along the continuum toward 100% socialism. 

I believe the government has two important roles; one is is to create stability.  Stable money supply, stable regulations, stable tax policies, and stable fiscal policies; the other is the enforcement of laws, including contract laws.

I believe free individuals using free markets and private property and acting in their own best interest results in a richer, more equitable society than a society organized by liberals based on fairness!

I believe the U.S. Constitution is the greatest political document ever written.  It is a document which controls the Federal Government and not the American people!

I believe the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is very clear - “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”  This clearly means - IF THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT SAY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT CAN DO IT - THEY CAN’T!

Finally, I believe freedom loving Americans need to fight for the objectives of the U.S. Constitution! 

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