Formal Apology to my South Asian Friends

Over the past few years, I have gotten to know quite a few people who have moved to the U.S. from South Asia.  Without exception, I find them to be outstanding people, friendly, kind, hardworking, and intelligent.  Nevertheless, there is a problem - it’s not their problem - it’s mine.  

The First Battle of the U.S. Cold (Civil) War

The utterly PREPOSTEROUS claim that President Trump (and his campaign) colluded with Russia has been thoroughly debunked.
  • Shocking to the uninformed. 
  • Disappointing to the liberal lynch mob.  
  • Humbling to the deep state operatives who believed they could pull off a bloodless coup.  
  • Surprising to anyone with an iota of political sense?  Hardly.

Hands Across America - The Odyssey 2019

The annual ”Hands Across America Odyssey” with my father has become one of the highlights of my year. This year’s epic journey to Tampa/St. Petersburg was right up there with our trips to Las Vegas and the cruise to the Caribbean.

My Dad’s motto is “Have cane, will travel.”  


I believe Religion and Politics are subjects we should always talk about - openly, freely, passionately, and we should talk about them more often than we talk about sports, the weather, or The Voice.

“Do as I say, not as I do.” Liberal Hypocrisy 2016

Liberals are fascinating - hypocritical - but fascinating.  Let's recall Bill Clinton.  The most powerful man in the world who shoved cigars up the genitalia of an intern.  Think about this - a young girl, barely out of high school, was sexually abused by a sexual predator in the Oval Office.  When Bill Clinton's abuse came to light - what did he do?  He began a campaign to assassinate the character of his victim in the media!  

Political Debate Rules for Dummies:

Activist liberals have framed political debate to benefit liberalism at the expense of their philosophical opponents.

Their main weapon of choice is the invective. They use it, not to refute arguments, but to discredit their opponents.

“Hard Line” or “Common Sense”?

In my opinion, it is not a “hard line” to say "If you follow a philosophy that preaches violence against non-believers, you are not welcome in the United States."  An immigration policy of “You must promise not to kill Americans whom you disagree with philosophically” is common sensical and reasonable.

Donald Trump Saved America

 This is an article I wrote during the Republican primaries in 2016. At that time, it looked like the Republican establishment would be able to stop Donald Trump… Thankfully they could not! 

Conservatives Revolt - The Demise of the Republican Establishment

Women Have it Better than Men

Recently I listened to a liberal feminist complain about women being treated like second class citizens.

This is an absurd notion.  Societal and legal norms in America are far more preferential to women than they are to men.


Written August 2017...

Okay...I had to see what all the hubbub is about regarding the “Unite the Right” rally in Washington DC this weekend.

It seems the terms “White Nationalist”, “The Alt Right”, “Neo-Nazis” and other “white hate groups” are in the news on a regular basis since President Trump was elected.

Move-In Day

Move-in day for Cameron.  A two bedroom apartment for him and one of his buddies.

His apartment is just like the Bronx apartment I grew-up in...but there are a few minor differences:  

”He Said / She Said” about President Trump

The bold comments below were made by a good friend of mine with a liberal perspective.  Below each comment, I provide my response to her assertions.

President Trump normalized bigotry, hate, and discrimination.

The Supreme Court For Dummies